How do I send a mentorship package to a student?

You will firstly need to accept the mentorship request by the student so that the 'Create Offer' button appears in the chat with the student. Please take note that if you do not accept the request, you will not be able to send any offers to the student. Once you have accepted the request, you will have to chat with the student to determine the exact requirements and compatibility, before you send an offer by clicking on 'Create Offer' in the chat.

Step 1: Click on the mentorship request that you have received under 'Invites' on your dashboard:

Step 2: After reviewing the requirements and information provided in the request, determine if you'd like to accept or reject the invitation:

Step 3: You can also chat with the student before deciding to accept or decline the mentorship request. The image below is what you will see if you chat with the student without accepting the request. Take note that you will not be able to send your mentorship packages to the student without accepting the request.

Step 4: You can accept the student's request either in the chat or  or on the page as seen in Step 2 above.

Step 5: After accepting the request, you will be able to see the 'Create Offer' button. Click on it:

Step 6: Once you click on 'Create an Offer', choose a package that you would like to send the student and click 'Next'.

Step 7: You can select the basic, standard, or advanced tiers if the terms and conditions are agreeable to the student. You could also customize the package to suit the student's requirements:

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